Oil or acrylic paintings, watercolours or pastels, drawings and collages, on paper, canvas, Plexiglas, wood or metal, the artist likes to surprise, by the technique as by the chosen support.
100 x 149 cm
Villa Maya Kerala
90 x 135 cm
A quelques voilures
90 x 70 cm
Les tables vertes
92 x 122 cm
Comme une mosaïque
40 x 70 cm
Couleur café
61 x 91 cm
76 x 101 cm
Sheep shearing
58 x 25 cm
Queensland House
76 x 76 cm
30 x 30 cm
peinture acrylique
25 x 75 cm
Les berges de la nuit
78 x 43 cm
Eclats de soleil
85 x 105 cm
Don’t hesitate to contact contacter Corinne Colombo, if you want to buy a painting.